Bringing Butterflies Home (note new date Feb. 2)
February 2, 2025
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Galesville Heritage Society Winter Lecture Series
Galesville United Methodist Church
4825 Church Lane
- Butterflies widely symbolize hope and rebirth. Galesvillian Lynn Teo Simarski will describe how she’s making her yard a haven for butterflies and other native life. Nature’s “flowers of the air” already breed and lay eggs there.
- Monoculture lawns can leave butterflies, bees and birds behind. Most imported “pest-free” plants cannot nourish native pollinators.
- Lynn’s photos may inspire you to “bring butterflies home” to your property.
- A science writer, Lynn worked for the National Science Foundation and she’s also an award-winning fine-art photographer. See